OK so today’s interesting news story is that of a 45 year old woman who forgot all about her 11 year old grandson when rescuing her dogs from her burning house. The fire was caused by her 19 year old son accidentally leaving some toast in a faulty toaster.
Now there are a couple of things wrong with that news story. Ignoring the sheer stupidity of forgetting to rescue your grandchild from certain death, I can’t be the only one who is a bit concerned about the ages stated there. Reading further on, I established the following:
This woman is 45, her eldest son is 19, her youngest is 16 and her eldest daughter is 29. I am assuming that the latter is the mother of the 11 year old grandson otherwise the math just doesn’t add up.
Nevertheless, doing a bit of simple arithmetic, it’s easy to work out this woman became a mother at 16 and a grandmother at 34. Her eldest daughter, therefore, became a mother at 18. The grandson is only 5 years younger than his uncle.
Now, if this was a proper grandmother in her 80’s or 90’s, it would be more understandable if she had forgotten her grandchild as a result of dementia or Alzheimer's. Given the ages mentioned above there is really no excuse. She is just plain stupid. They are obviously all slags and just further proof that some people should not be allowed to breed!
P.S. The child was rescued by fire fighters and is safe and well with no injuries.
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