OK so a few weeks ago I wrote a short blog bitching about people interrupting me. Well leading on from that I’d like to bitch a little bit more about being interrupted by the telephone.
Telephones have to be one of the worst inventions ever. They are so rude. Email and text messages are OK because they are less intrusive. It’s a bit like someone standing in your line of sight making subtle gestures to get your attention. You can acknowledge them and speak when it is convenient for you to do so.
A telephone is a bit like someone interrupting your conversation, patting you on the shoulder and shouting “listen to me, listen to me”. People generally don’t do that because it is deemed rude and they know they’d probably get a punch in the face. Forgive the alliteration but why in the name of Beyonce’s bouncy buttocks do people think it’s alright to do it over the phone?
In my professional capacity as a web developer, I find certain customers to be the most ignorant and stupid of all god’s creatures. Let me explain. I will be in the middle of writing a big ream of code, which to put into perspective for those of you who aren’t familiar with programming is akin to solving algebraic equations whilst simultaneously learning Latin and playing chess.
Anyway, I will receive an email from someone. After 5 or 10 minutes I will receive a phone call from the same customer asking if I received the email. They will then repeat the contents of their email to me over the phone and expect me to jump at their command and answer their usually stupidly inane question.
Some people just don’t get it. I didn’t reply to the email straight away because I was busy so what the hell makes them think I’m going to be able to speak to them? Also, thanks to their interruption I’ve completely lost the plot and have to spend 10 minutes figuring out what the hell I was doing before they interrupted me!
The bottom line for you idiots is this: Stop calling me I don’t want to speak to you!
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